What’s In A Mouthguard? Common Dental Issues In Boxing It Protects You From

What’s In A Mouthguard? Common Dental Issues In Boxing It Protects You From

Photo by Jonathan Tomas on Unsplash

The following article was submitted by Freelance writer Jennifer Maxwell.

Boxing is an athletic activity that has been known to knock out a tooth or two, according to WBN10. For anyone seeking to take part in martial arts and physical activities—especially boxing—it’s critical to be aware of how it may affect your dental health. Normally, boxers would make use of a mouthguard. That being said, it’s important to know how it protects you and what sort of common dental issues does it keep you safe from? 

How Does A Mouthguard Protect You?

A mouthguard is essentially a crash helmet for your teeth and is primarily used by boxers, hockey players, and lacrosse players. Athletes that do not wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer a dental injury, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). The ADA’s findings say that a mouthguard helps to cushion the impact of a blow that is fully able to break teeth and even cause jaw fractures. They recommend that athletes use mouthguards that are tear-resistant, properly fitted, and do not restrict airways. That way, boxers may be able to practice their sport in relative safety.

So what are some of the most common dental issues prevalent in boxers?

Periodontal Disease 

One of the more common dental issues in boxers is periodontal disease. A study of 302 athletes—including boxers—found that 76% of them developed gingivitis when they did not utilize a mouthguard. The journal also reports that when athletes develop gum disease, they experience a negative impact on their training and performance. Gingivitis, in particular, is the gateway toward more serious oral conditions as there are infections and inflammation present. While boxing itself may not be the clear cause of gingivitis, it is unclean mouthguards that present a risk. So it’s important that you sanitize your mouthguard in between usage.

Tooth Fractures

A tooth fracture is one of the more common types of dental injury in boxers. It has an occurrence rate of 60% in those who do physical contact sports like MMA and boxing, according to the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. This can be lessened through the use of mouthguards as they redistribute shock and stabilize the jaw in the event of an impact. Without them, dental trauma may result in the requirement of endodontics and subsequent pain management. Tooth fractures can cause a significant amount of pain when you bite down or even when you expose a fractured tooth to hot and cold air. While a fractured tooth does not heal, dentists will be able to seal the tooth to prevent further damage from spreading to the root. Seeking appropriate dental solutions is necessary as untreated fractures may lead to further infections.

As a boxer, you will want to make sure that you are able to bring out your peak performance. Arming yourself with ample knowledge about mouthguards and possible dental issues you may be at risk of in the pursuit of boxing excellence can help prevent them. That way, the next time you step into a ring, you can be assured that your dental health is well protected and you can focus on your forms.

Jennifer Maxwell

This article was submitted by Freelance writer Jennifer Maxwell.

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